2018 | Installation - variable dimension
Wooden chair with woven seat, branches of hazel, rope.
Wooden chair, two bluethoot speakers.
Wooden chair, cotton ribbon, human figure in plastic, scale 1: 200.
The project Passaggi begins from a research on the representation of places, the geography that occupies the map and that includes the people that inhabit it and the forms of their passage through spaces.
The mapping starts from a residence in the Valle di Lozio, in June 2018. Made of physical and mental crossings, between environments and stories seemingly foreign, these are transformed into links between past and present, taking the form of a path. This one consists of three stages, each connected to the presence of a chair that belonged to a local inhabitant. The map inhabits the chairs as a memory, a living document that has witnessed something, has absorbed a story. Now them tells what has been (or has not) lived on them. The stratification of experiences makes these objects collectors and carriers of memories.
The places chosen to install the chairs are closely linked to the period lived in residence and to their physical conformation. The external landscape is thus transformed into an interior landscape, and feelings are redistributed by finding a place in space. The three steps can be traversed in any order.
The chairs are part of the permanent collection of the Casa Museo della Gente di Lozio.